A record of the silliness and sometimes utter chaos.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It's been a while since I posted so I figure it's time for an update on the kids and I. Due to my job situation being in the gutter, at the end of July, I will be moving in with my (ex) in laws. They were kind enough to offer refuge for my kids and I and I didn't think we would need it, but I'm a little desperate this point, so their help is much appreciated. I am sad about giving up the independence of my own home. I'll be sad to not have my own little kitchen or living space, but this is indeed temporary. I think the lack of my independence will be really great motivation to get back to that. If I had a job I could probably swing living on my own with the kids but interview after interview is passing by and still no offer for employment. 

I am happy to say that I finally figured out what I want to do in school. Yes, I am 25 years old and still don't have a degree. I'm actually embarrassed about that. But I am determined to get one, so it won't be long. I am going to do one more semester at my current community college and then transfer to the same school, just a different campus that offers the Medical Administrative Assisting degree I want. It's an Associate's Degree so hopefully I will be able to finish as fast as possible. Having this degree would allow me to get a job that I can support my family on. I'm tired of being on government assistance and really want to provide 100% for my family.  This degree will help me achieve that. Plus, I will be able to maintain a reasonable work schedule such as weekends, evenings, and holidays off so I can still be a good mom to my kids. 

So I am going to swallow my pride and live in close quarters with my kids in a basement for an undetermined amount of time. I have spent most of the last few months searching for a job and not much else is going on. I feel like this is a really boring post but really, not much is going on!  I have an upcoming trip back east and I think THAT post will be all mind-blowing and awesome. So in the meantime, enjoy some pictures of my offspring.

I guess I'm full of lies. There IS one thing going on with bed bugs and me being paranoid and freaked out and how tomorrow they are going to heat treat my whole apartment (heat the apartment up to 140 degrees) and I have been given a 100% guarantee that this will rid my house of the pests. I have been getting bit for 6 months and can't wait to sleep in my bed and not wake up covered in hives. Ugh. Gross. 

On another unrelated note, Juliette is trying to walk. She is about 8 and a half months old and I was watching tv one night and looked over just in time to see her take three steps. My jaw about hit the floor. Kids WALK this early!? Since then, she has been trying to walk and can walk quite well if you hold her hands. I'm so not ready for her to be walking yet. But I am predicting that by about 9 or 10 months, she's gonna be walking all on her own. Poor mom, right? 

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